Frequently Asked Questions

How to sign up for eARCs?

I announce and post ARC sign-ups on my socials, and the signup form can be found via my link. If you do not see the signup form in my linktree it means that there are no current available slots.

Why didn’t I get approved to be an Arc reader?

If you did not receive an approval email to ARC read one of my books, the only reasons my team declines are as follows:

  • Incorrect email provided

  • No link to the prior book’s review if it is a sequel or connected book

  • Did not fill out the form correctly and provide required info

*Please make sure you take the time to fill out the arc forms correctly.*

Do you send physical ARCs?

My physical ARCs are very limited and I can only send out a handful each go around. I appreciate all the interest, and if the opportunity arises in the future to open up more spots, I will announce it. Thank you for understanding!

Why don’t you restock more often?

I try to restock as much as I can, but keeping my shop stocked all the time is impossible. I appreciate the support for my books and that you want a signed edition, but for now, I’m doing my best!

Are all your books being trad published?

No. I will continue to self-publish and will be a hybrid author. I love rapid releasing and getting my stories to you as fast and efficiently as I can! For now, the Fabric of our Souls is the only trad published book at this time.

Will Ballad be available on Amazon, Target, and Barnes & Noble? (Paperback and detailed hardcover)

Yes, the alt-cover paperback, along with the hardcover, will be available through retailers. 

When will you be restocking your shop (and with what, ex Secrets hardcover, swag, etc)?

I restock between releases. There is no set schedule, but I try to do at least one restock between each book release. 

Where can I buy your books overseas?

You should be able to access books through Amazon overseas and also order through a bookstore. (They can order books through Ingram upon request!)

Will you ever ship overseas from your shop? (Package forwarding services available at own discretion)

At this point, I don’t see it becoming available anytime soon. The logistics of it are very difficult. Please keep in mind that it is just me and Mr. Moronova who are fulfilling orders. We don’t have a warehouse or a team. Please utilize the package forwarding services if you are able! 

Will you ever allow more than PayPal payments on your site?

It’s possible in the future, but as for right now it is the only option through my site.

What will be available for preorder at Sinners & Stardust?

I will be posting my preorder form soon on Beventi!

How much will the Pine Hollow Omnibus SE be? 

You can see the pricing on the preorder form through Beventi!

Will you have Ballad paperback and hardcovers at S&S?

Yes, I will have both!

Do you plan to attend any other book events in the future? 

I plan on trying to attend one per year. I applied to Apolycon for 2025 (fingers crossed!)

When will Alkrose #3 be released?

Late 2024 or early 2025

Will you be doing any book boxes?

Yes! There are some in the works already! Keep an eye out for announcements!

Will you have a permanent ARC list?

No. I like to give everyone a chance to apply and also to opt out if they are in a rut and need a break. Also not everyone likes certain genres so I like to keep it open! 

" Street team?”

At this time I do not have a street team or plan on having one.

Can I donate my first born/kidney/tears for your next book?

Yes hehehehe